Annual Bibliography 2005

Bosco, Ronald A, and Joel Myerson. The Selected Lectures Of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2 Vol. University of Georgia Press, 2005. Print.
Boyden, Michael. “The Institutional Origins Of American Literary History”. CompAmSt 3 (2005): 173-88. Print. Compamst .
Buell, Lawrence. The Future Of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis And Literary Imagination. Blackwell, 2005. Print.
Bundy, Carol. The Nature Of Sacrifice: A Biography Of Charles Russell Lowell, Jr., 1835-1864. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. Print.
Bush, Ronald. “Pound, Emerson, And Thoreau: The Pisan Cantos And The Politics Of American Pastoral”. Paideuma 34 (2005): 271-92. Print. Paideuma .
Cain, William E. “Howe On Emerson: The Politics Of Literary Criticism”. Irving Howe And The Critics. John Rodden. University of Nebraska Press , 2005. 132-42. Print. Irving Howe And The Critics.
Cavell, Stanley. Philosophy The Day After Tomorrow. Harvard University Press, 2005. Print.
Cole, Phyllis. “Emerson Father And Son: A Precedent For ‘The American Scholar’”. NEQ 78 (2005): 101-24. Print. Neq .
Cole, Rachel. “The Reality Effect: Emerson’S Speakers And The Phenomenon Of Personality”. YJC 18 (2005): 67-86. Print. Yjc .
Critchley, Simon. “Cavell’S ‘Romanticism’ And Cavell’S Romanticism”. Russell Goodman. Contending with Stanley Cavell (2005): 37-54. Print. Contending With Stanley Cavell.
Crouse, Jamie S. “‘If They Have A Moral Power’: Margaret Fuller, Transcendentalism, And The Question Of Women’S Moral Nature”. ATQ 19 (2005): 259-79. Print. Atq .
Dall, Caroline. Daughter Of Boston: The Extraordinary Diary Of A Nineteenth-Century Woman. Helen R Deese. Beacon, 2005. Print.
Donoghue, Denis. The American Classics: A Personal Essay. Yale University Press, 2005. Print.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Selected Lectures Of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ronald A. Bosco and Joel Myerson. Athens and London: University of Georgia Press, 2005. Print.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The Essential Transcendentalists. Tarcher, 2005. Print.
Field, Susan. “Open To Influence: Ralph Waldo Emerson And Audre Lorde On Loss”. ATQ 19 (2005): 5-22. Print. Atq .
Geldard, Richard G. The Essential Transcendentalists. New York: Tarcher, 2005. Print.
Goodman, Susan, and Carl Dawson. William Dean Howells: A Writer’S Life. University of California Press, 2005. Print.
Goodman, Russell. Contending With Stanley Cavell. Oxford University Press, 2005. Print.
Gougeon, Len. “Emerson, Whitman, And Eros”. WWQR 23 (2005): 126-46. Print. Wwqr .
Hanlon, Christopher. “Eloquence And Invisible Man”. CollL 32 (2005): 74-98. Print. Colll 32.
Holland, David F. “Anne Hutchinson To Horace Bushnell: A New Take On The New England Sequence”. NEQ 78 (2005): 163-201. Print. Neq .
Hudspeth, Robert N. “‘Born With Knives In Their Brain’: Recent Writings On American Transcendentalism”. MHR 7 (2005): 120-31. Print. Mhr .
Hurth, Elisabeth. “The Poet And The Mystic: Ralph Waldo Emerson And Jakob Böhme”. ZAA 53 (2005): 333-52. Print. Zaa .
Johnson, Linck. “Emerson: America’S First Public Intellectual?”. MIH 2 (2005): 135-51. Print. Mih .
Keane, Patrick J. Emerson, Romanticism, And Intuitive Reason: The Transatlantic “Light Of All Our Day”. University of Missouri Press, 2005. Print.
Kohler, Michelle. “Dickinson’S Embodied Eyeball: Transcendentalism And The Scope Of Vision”. EDJ 13.ii (2005): 27-57. Print. Edj .
Lawrence, Kathleen. “‘The Dry-Lighted Soul’ Ignites: Emerson And His Soul-Mate Caroline Sturgis As Seen In Her Houghton Manuscripts”. HLB 16 (2005): 37-67. Print. Hlb .
Lee, Maurice S. Slavery, Philosophy, And American Literature, 1830-1860. Cambridge University Press, 2005. Print.
Lowell, Robert. The Letters Of Robert Lowell. Saskia Hamilton. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005. Print.
Markus, Julia. J Anthony Froude: The Last Undiscovered Victorian. Scribner, 2005. Print.
Marshall, Megan. The Peabody Sisters: Three Women Who Ignited American Romanticism. Houghton Mifflin, 2005. Print.
Maynard, Barksdale W. “Emerson’S ‘Wyman Lot’: Forgotten Context For Thoreau’S House At Walden”. CS 12/13 (2005): 61-84. Print. Cs .
McClelland, James. “Losing Grip: Emerson, Leroux And The Work Of Identity”. JAmS 39 (2005): 239-55. Print. Jams .
Meltzer, Mitchell. Secular Revelations: The Constitution Of The United States And Classic American Literature. Harvard University Press, 2005. Print.
Myerson, Joel. A Supplement To Ralph Waldo Emerson: A Descriptive Bibliography. Oak Knoll and University of Pittsburgh, 2005. Print.
Newman, Lance. Our Common Dwelling: Henry Thoreau, Transcendentalism, And The Class Politics Of Nature. Palgrave, 2005. Print.
Peck, Daniel H. “Unlikely Kindred Spirits: A New Vision Of Landscape In The Works Of Henry David Thoreau And Asher B. Durand”. ALH 17 (2005): 687-713. Print. Alh .
von Rautenfeld, Hans. “Thinking For Thousands: Emerson’S Theory Of Political Representation In The Public Sphere”. AJPS 49 (2005): 184-97. Print. Ajps .
Reynolds, David S. John Brown, Abolitionist. Knopf, 2005. Print.
Saito, Naoko. The Gleam Of Light: Moral Perfectionism And Education In Dewey And Emerson. Fordham, 2005. Print.
Sandage, Scott A. Born Losers: A History Of Failure In America. Harvard University Press, 2005. Print.
Schmidt, Leigh Eric. Restless Souls: The Making Of American Spirituality From Emerson To Oprah. Harper San Francisco, 2005. Print.
Schulz, Dieter. “Ralph Waldo Emerson: Ein Denker Zwischen Peripherie Und Zentrum”. Querdenker: Visionäre Un Außenseiter In Philosophie Und Theologie. Markus Knapp & Kobusch, Theo. Wissenschaftliche Buchgellschaf, 2005. 223-33. Print. Querdenker: Visionäre Un Außenseiter In Philosophie Und Theologie.
Skrine, Peter. “Goethe And Emerson In Elizabeth Gaskell’S Manchester”. GSJ 19 (2005): 69-85. Print. Gsj .
Tauber, Alfred I. “The Reflexive Project: Reconstructing The Moral Agent”. HHS (2005): 49-75. Print. Hhs .
Tuchinsky, Adam-Max. “‘The Bourgeoisie Will Fall And Fall Forever’: The New-York Tribune, The 1848 French Revolution, And American Social Democratic Discourse”. JAH 92 (2005): 47-97. Print. Jah .
Von Der Heydt, Jim. “The Writer’S Occupation: Dickinson And Emerson Out Of Doors”. ESQ 51 (2005): 307-39. Print. Esq .
Wayne, Tiffany K. Woman Thinking: Feminism And Transcendentalism In Nineteenth-Century America. Lexington, 2005. Print.
Wilson, Leslie Perrin. “‘no Worthless Books’: Elizabeth Peabody’S Foreign Library, 1840-52”. PBSA 99 (2005): 113-52. Print. Pbsa .