Annual Bibliography 2004

Accardo, Annalucia. “Poets With ‘Fine Ears,’ Or The ‘Responsibility’ Of The Artist: R. W. Emerson, E. Dickinson, And G. Paley”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 161-70. Print. Emerson At 200.
Amoruso, Vito. “The Work Of Madrepores: Emerson And American Modernity”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 53-59. Print. Emerson At 200.
Belknap, Robert E. The List: The Uses And Pleasures Of Cataloguing. Yale University Press, 2004. Print.
Bellot, Marc. “‘this Old Chronology Of Selfishness And Pride’: La Conception Émersonienne De L’histoire ”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 131-44. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Bickman, Martin. “Seeing What I Say: Emerson, Berthoff, And The Dialectical Notebook”. Reader 51 (2004): 22-31. Print. Reader.
Blinder, Caroline. “‘The Transparent Eyeball’: On Emerson And Walker Evans”. Mosaic 37 .iv (2004): 149-63. Print. Mosaic .
Bloom, Harold. Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?. Riverhead, 2004. Print.
Boggs, Colleen Glenny. “Margaret Fuller’S American Translation”. AL 76 (2004): 31-58. Print. Al .
Bosco, Ronald A. “‘The Tendencies And Duties Of Men Of Thought’ And ‘The Transcendency Of Physics’: Ethics And Science In The Later Emerson”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 325-35. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Brunet, François. “Méthode(S) Dans ‘The Method Of Nature”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 24-41. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Bryant, John. “‘Self-Reliance’ And ‘The Poet’: Teaching Transcendentalism Transcendentally, And Critically”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 221-38. Print. Emerson At 200.
Castillo, Susan. “‘The Best Of Nations’? Race And Imperial Destinies In Emerson’S English Traits”. YES 34 (2004): 100-11. Print. Yes .
Colapietro, Vincent. “The Question Of Voice And The Limits Of Pragmatism: Emerson, Dewey, Cavell”. The Range Of Pragmatism And The Limits Of Philosophy. Richard Shusterman. Blackwell, 2004. 174-96. Print. The Range Of Pragmatism And The Limits Of Philosophy.
Colatrella, Carol. “Emerson’S Politics Of The Novel”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 265-77. Print. Emerson At 200.
Cole, Phyllis. “‘Conversation That Makes The Soul’: Writing The Biography Of Mary Moody Emerson”. Lives Out Of Letters: Essays On American Literary Biography And Documentation, In Honor Of Robert N. Hudspeth. Robert D Habich. Fairleigh Dickinson, 2004. 205-24. Print. Lives Out Of Letters: Essays On American Literary Biography And Documentation, In Honor Of Robert N. Hudspeth.
Corona, Mario. “The [American] Time Of Ecstasy: Emerson, Ginsberg, Kerouac”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 195-208. Print. Emerson At 200.
De Biasio, Anna. “If Emerson’S Nature Becomes A ‘Dolce Madre’: A Nineteenth-Century Italian (Mis)Translation”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 105-12. Print. Emerson At 200.
Derail-Imbert, Agnès. “‘Circles’, Ou Circonscriptions”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 65-91. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
DeVoll, Mathhew W. “Emerson And Dreams: Toward A Natural History Of Intellect”. ATQ 18 (2004): 69-87. Print. Atq .
Di Loreto, Sonia. “‘I Turned It All Into English’: R. W. Emerson As Translator Of Dante’S La Vita Nuova”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 79-93. Print. Emerson At 200.
Dunphy, Mark. “New England Transcendental Gumbo: Edna Pontellier’S Awakening To Emersonian Self-Reliance In The Awakening”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 153-60. Print. Emerson At 200.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Representative Men. Modern Library, 2004. Print.
waldo ralph emerson,. Essays And Poems. Barnes & Noble Classics, 2004. Print.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Poems. Everyman’s Library, 2004. Print.
Faraone, Mario. “‘The Light From Asia’: Oriental Cultural And Religious Influence In Ralph Waldo Emerson And Transcendentalist Thought”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 297-312. Print. Emerson At 200.
Fromm, Harold. “Overcoming The Oversoul: Emerson’S Evolutionary Existentialism”. HudR 57 (2004): 71-95. Print. Hudr .
Gatta, John. Making Nature Sacred: Literature, Religion, And Environment In America From The Puritans To The Present. Oxford University Press, 2004. Print.
Gilmore, Paul. “Mechanical Means: Emersonian Aesthetic Transcendence And Antebellum Technology”. MLQ 65 (2004): 245-68. Print. Mlq.
Giordano, Paolo. “Man’S Self-Reliance, Woman’S Self-Denial: Alcott And Emerson’S Contradictions”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 145-52. Print. Emerson At 200.
Girel, Mathias. “Les Angles De L’Acte. Usages D’Emerson Dans La Philosophie De William James”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 207-45. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Gonnaud, Maurice. “Les Deux Visages De L’Automne Émersonien”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 13-24. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Goto, Shoji. “Emerson, Necessity, And Contingency”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 337-52. Print. Emerson At 200.
Grusin, Richard. “The True Doctrine Respecting Forms: Emerson And The Proliferation Of Mediation”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 63-70. Print. Emerson At 200.
Hallengren, Anders. “A Hermeneutic Key To The Title Leaves Of Grass”. In Search Of The Absolute—Essays On Swedenborg And Literature. Stephen McNeilly. Swedenborg Society, 2004. 45-59. Print. In Search Of The Absolute—Essays On Swedenborg And Literature.
Hankins, Barry. The Second Great Awakening And The Transcendentalists. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 2004. Print.
Highland, Chris. Meditations Of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Into The Green Future. Wilderness Press, 2004. Print.
Imbert, Michel. “La Perte De La Transparence”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 93-111. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Jaworski, Philippe, and François Brunet. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes: Rhétorique Et Philosophie. Université Paris 7, Cahiers Charles V, 2004. Print.
Larson, Kerry. “Emerson’S Strange Equality”. NCF 59 (2004): 315-39. Print. Ncf .
Laugier, Sandra. “Emerson, Le Scepticisme, L’éducation Et La Politique”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 171-203. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Leland, John. Hip: The History. HarperCollins, 2004. Print.
Leroux, Jean-François. The Renaissance Of Impasse: From The Age Of Carlyle, Emerson, And Melville To The Quiet Revolution In Quebec. Peter Lang Publishing Inc, 2004. Print.
Lombardo, Agostino. “Emerson E L’Arte Americana”. Emerson at 200 (2004): xxi-xxxi. Print. Emerson At 200.
Loreto, Paolo. “The Poetry Of Pragmatic Imagination: The Circuitous Influence Of Ralph Waldo Emerson On Derek Walcott”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 171-84. Print. Emerson At 200.
Lysaker, John. “Taking Emerson Personally”. GaR 63 (2004): 842-50. Print. Gar .
Magee, Michael. Emancipating Pragmatism: Emerson, Jazz, And Experimental Writing. University Alabama Press, 2004. Print.
Maibor, Carolyn. Labor Pains: Emerson, Hawthorne, And Alcott On Work And The Woman Question. Routledge , 2004. Print.
Marcus, James. Amazonia. New Press, 2004. Print.
Mariani, Giorgio. “Emerson 2003: An International Celebration Of The Emerson Bicentennial”. Emerson at 200 (2004): xiii-xix. Print. Emerson At 200.
Mariani, Giorgio. Emerson At 200: Proceedings Of The International Bicentennial Conference. Aracne, 2004. Print.
Mariani, Giorgio. “Read With Mussolini: The Italian Reception Of Emerson Under Fascism”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 123-31. Print. Emerson At 200.
Maynard, Barksdale W. Walden Pond: A History. Oxford University Press, 2004. Print.
McClatchy, JD. American Writers At Home. Library of America, 2004. Print.
McDonald, Matthew. “Silent Narration? Elements Of Narrative In Ives’S The Unanswered Question”. NCMus 27 (2004): 263-86. Print. Ncmus.
McFarland, Philip. Hawthorne In Concord. Grove Press, 2004. Print.
Hallengren, Anders. “Swedenborgian Simile In Emersonian Edification: A Bicentenary Essay 1803-2003”. In Search Of The Absolute—Essays On Swedenborg And Literature. Stephen McNeilly. Swedenborg Society, 2004. 15-22. Print. In Search Of The Absolute—Essays On Swedenborg And Literature.
Myerson, Joel. “‘Not Instruction, But Provocation’: Emerson As Teacher”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 23-38. Print. Emerson At 200.
Myerson, Joel, and Ronald A Bosco. “‘In The Palm Of Nature’S Hand’: Ralph Waldo Emerson’S Address At The Consecration Of Sleepy Hollow Cemetery”. Markers 21 (2004): 148-73. Print. Markers .
Nardi, Paolo. “Nature As Scenery And Symbol: Marianne Moore’S ‘An Octopus’ And Ralph Waldo Emerson’S Nature”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 185-93. Print. Emerson At 200.
Niemeyer, Mark. “The Rhetoric Of Nationalism In Emerson’S ‘The American Scholar’”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 145-69. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Nobles, Gregory H. “‘One Of His Ideas Was That Everyone Should Think For Themselves’: Emerson, The Thoreaus, And The Transcendentalist Education Of Edmund Q. Sewall”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 239-50. Print. Emerson At 200.
Nocera, Gigliola. “Journeys Of The Body And Pathways Of The Mind: R. W. Emerson’S Europe”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 95-104. Print. Emerson At 200.
Packer, Barbara. “Transcendentalism”. Cambridge History Of American Literature. Sacvan Bercovitc. Cambridge University Press, 2004. 87-136. Print. Cambridge History Of American Literature.
Partridge, Jeffrey EL. “The Politics Of Ethnic Eating: Li-Young Lee, Emerson, And Whitman At The Banquet Table”. SLitI 37 (2004): 103-26. Print. Sliti .
Patterson, Anita. “Emerson, Transnationalism, And The Enigma Of Friendship”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 39-52. Print. Emerson At 200.
Penney, Sherry H, and James D Livingston. A Very Dangerous Woman: Martha Wright And Women’S Rights. Univ of Massachusetts Press, 2004. Print.
Poirier, Richard. “Emerson: Abolishing Individualism”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 3-21. Print. Emerson At 200.
Porte, Joel. Consciousness And Culture: Emerson And Thoreau Reviewed. Yale University Press, 2004. Print.
Portelli, Alessandro. “Unfinished Creations: Between Emerson And Leslie Marmon Silko”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 287-94. Print. Emerson At 200.
Proietti, Salvatore. “Emerson And The Minimal Bodies Of American Postmodernism”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 209-18. Print. Emerson At 200.
Quayum, MA. Saul Bellow And American Transcendentalism. Peter Lang Publishing Inc, 2004. Print.
von Rautenfeld, Hans. “Charitable Interpretations: Emerson, Rawls, And Cavell On The Use Of Public Reason”. PolT 32 (2004): 61-84. Print. Polt .
Ricciardi, Caterina. “Ralph Waldo Emerson And Elio Vittorini”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 113-210. Print. Emerson At 200.
Richardson, Robert D. “The Perils Of Writing Biography”. Lives Out Of Letters: Essays On American Literary Biography And Documentation, In Honor Of Robert N. Hudspeth. Robert D Habich. Fairleigh Dickinson, 2004. 253-60. Print. Lives Out Of Letters: Essays On American Literary Biography And Documentation, In Honor Of Robert N. Hudspeth.
Robinson, David M. The Political Emerson: Essential Essays On Politics And Social Reform. Beacon Press, 2004. Print.
Robinson, David M. Natural Life: Thoreau’s Worldly Transcendentalism. Cornell University Press, 2004. Print.
Robinson, David M. “Thoreau And Idealism: ‘Face To Face To A Fact’”. NCProse 31.ii (2004): 30-50. Print. Ncprose .
Rubeo, Ugo. “Quacks And Jingle-Men: Emerson, Poe, And Modernity”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 135-44. Print. Emerson At 200.
Sattelmeyer, Robert. “Walden: Climbing The Canon”. NCProse 31.ii (2004): 12-29. Print. Ncprose .
Scannavini, Anna. “A Chronology Of Italian Translations Of Emerson”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 353-58. Print. Emerson At 200.
Schulz, Dieter. “Concord Und Der Amerikanische Transzendentalismus In Ives’ Ästhetik”. Muzik-Konzepte 123 (2004): 109-21. Print. Muzik-Konzepte .
Schulz, Dieter. “Ralph Waldo Emerson: From Viri Illustres To Representative Men”. Scripturus Vitam: Lateinische Biographie Von Der Antike Bis In Die Gegenwart. Dorothea Walz. Heidelberg: Mattes, 2004. 1185-94. Print. Scripturus Vitam: Lateinische Biographie Von Der Antike Bis In Die Gegenwart.
Schulz, Dieter. “‘Walking’ And The Method Of Nature: Thoreau, Emerson, Gadamer”. Wissenschaft Und Ethik In Der Gesellschaft Von Heute. Heimo Hofmeister et al. Philosophische Gesellschaft, 2004. 158-86. Print. Wissenschaft Und Ethik In Der Gesellschaft Von Heute.
Scorza, Jason A. “Liberal Citizenship And Civic Friendship”. PolT 32 (2004): 85-108. Print. Polt .
Sioli, Marco. “From Sicily To The Alps: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Trip To Italy”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 71-77. Print. Emerson At 200.
Specq, François. “Emerson’S Rhetoric Of Empowerment In ‘Address To The Citizens Of Concord On The Fugitive Slave Law’ (1851)”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 115-29. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Specq, François. “L’Ethique Littéraire D’Emerson”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 45-64. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Tattoni, Igina. “From Word To Voice: Language In The Light Of ‘The Lord’S Supper’”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 313-23. Print. Emerson At 200.
Taylor, Andrew. “‘Mixture Is A Secret Of The English Island’: Transatlantic Emerson And The Location Of The Intellectual”. AtlanticSt 1 (2004): 158-77. Print. Atlanticst .
Terrie, Philip G. “Emerson In The Wilderness”. Emerson at 200 (2004): 279-86. Print. Emerson At 200.
Tuchinsky, Adam-Max. “‘Her Cause Against Herself’: Margaret Fuller, Emersonian Democracy, And The Nineteenth-Century Public Intellectual”. ANCH 5 (2004): 66-99. Print. Anch .
Urbas, Joseph. “‘The Other,’ And ‘The Otherest’: The Hidden Figure In Emerson’S ‘Montaigne; Or, The Skeptic’”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 247-86. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.
Valenti, Patricia Dunlavy. Sophia Peabody Hawthorne: A Life, Volume 1, 1809-1847. University of Missouri Press, 2004. Print.
Van Cromphout, Gustaaf. “Emerson On The Realization Of Freedom”. MidWStudPhilos 28 (2004): 69-84. Print.