Concord Bibliography

Brooks, Paul. The People Of Concord: One Year In The Flowering Of New England. Chester, Conn:  Globe Pequot Press, 1990. Print.

Brown, Mary Hosmer. Memories Of Concord. Boston: Four Seas, 1926. Print.

Broyles, Michael, and Denise Von Glahn. “Later Manifestations Of Concord: Charles Ives And The Transcendentalist Tradition”. Transient and Permanent (1999): 574-602. Print. Transient And Permanent.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “Emerson, Concord And Poet Benjamin West Ball”. ARLR 11 (1997): 4-20. Print. Arlr.

Chapin, Sarah. Concord, Massachusetts. Dover, N.H: Arcadia, 1997. Print.

Delano, Sterling, and Joel Myerson. “‘the General Scapegoat’: Thoreau And Concord In 1844”. TSB 264 (2008): 1-2. Print. Tsb .

Emerson, Edward Waldo. Emerson In Concord. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1889. Print.

Geldard, Richard G. God In Concord: Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Awakening To The Infinite. Burdett, N.Y.: Larson, 1999. Print.

Habich, Robert D. “Channing Remembers Emerson: Visits To Concord, 1870 And 1877”. NEQ 73 (2000): 495-506. Print. Neq .

Hudspeth, Robert N. “Dear Friend: Letter Writing In Concord”. CS 11 (2003): 77-91. Print. Cs.

Jarvis, Edward. Traditions And Reminiscences Of Concord, Massachusetts, 1779-1878. Sarah Chapin. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1993. Print.

Martinez, Carlo. “‘The Aroma Of Personality’: The Sage Of Concord And The Master”. Anglistica 6 (2002): 155-70. Print. Anglistica.

Maynard, Barksdale. “A Pilgrim Visits Concord: The Calvin Greene Diary, Part I (1863)”. TSB 243 (2003): 1-2. Print. Tsb.

McFarland, Philip. Hawthorne In Concord. Grove Press, 2004. Print.

Petrulionis, Sandra Harbert. To Set This World Right: The Antislavery Movement In Thoreau’S Concord. Cornell University Press, 2006. Print.

Reynolds, David S. “Transcendentalism, Transnationalism, And Antislavery Violence: Concord’S Embrace Of John Brown”. Emerson For The Twenty-­First Century. Barry Tharaud. University Of Delaware, 2010. 461-­484. Print. Emerson For The Twenty-­First Century.

Robbins, Paula Ivaska. The Royal Family Of Concord: Samuel, Elizabeth, And Rockwood Hoar And Their Friendship With Ralph Waldo Emerson. Xlibris, 2003. Print.

Schöpp, Joseph C. “‘Memory May Their Deed Redeem’: Emerson, Concord, And History”. Sites Of Memory In American Literatures And Cultures. Udo J.Hebel. Winter . Heidelberg: C, 2003. 43-50. Print. Sites Of Memory In American Literatures And Cultures.

Schreiner, Samuel A., Jr. The Concord Quartet: Alcott, Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau, And The Friendship That Freed The American Mind. Wiley, 2006. Print.

Schulz, Dieter. “Concord Und Der Amerikanische Transzendentalismus In Ives’ Ästhetik”. Muzik-Konzepte 123 (2004): 109-21. Print. Muzik-Konzepte.

Scudder, Townsend. Concord: American Town. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947. Print.

Specq, François. “Emerson’S Rhetoric Of Empowerment In ‘Address To The Citizens Of Concord On The Fugitive Slave Law’ (1851)”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes (2004): 115-29. Print. Ralph Waldo Emerson Dan Ses Textes.

Stearns, Frank Preston. Sketches From Concord And Appledore. New York: Putnams, 1895. Print.

Stoehr, Taylor. Nay-Saying In Concord: Emerson, Alcott, And Thoreau. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1979. Print.

Swayne, Josephine Latham. The Story Of Concord Told By Concord Writers. Boston: E. F. Worcester, 1906. Print.

Swayne, Josephine Latham. The Story Of Concord Told By Concord Writers. Boston: Meador, 1939. Print.

Sy-Wonyu, Aïssatou. “‘The Sage Of Concord’: Un Intellectual Engage?”. L’Œuvre In Prose De Ralph Waldo Emerson. François Brunet & Wicke, Anne. Paris: Armand Colín, 2003. 65-78. Print. L’Œuvre In Prose De Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Wilson, Leslie Perrin. “‘The Tenant Is More Than The House’: Selected Portraits In The Concord Free Public Library”. NCP 33 (2006): 73-116. Print. Ncp.

Wilson, Leslie Perrin. In History’s Embrace: Past And Present In Concord, Massachusetts. Hollins , 2007. Print.

Wilson, Leslie Perrin. “Emerson In Concord: An Exhibition In Celebration Of The 200Th Anniversary Of The Birth Of Ralph Waldo Emerson”. 2003: n. pag. Print.