Awards Announcements 2022

 The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society announces two awards for projects that foster appreciation for Emerson


*Graduate Student Paper Award*

Submissions are invited for the Graduate Student Paper Award, which provides up to $750 of travel support for one graduate student to present a paper on an Emerson Society panel at the American Literature Association Annual Conference (May 2022) or at the Thoreau Society Annual Gathering (July 2022). Please submit a 300-word abstract of your proposed paper by January 22, 2022. Abstracts should address the 2022 CFPs posted at


*Research Grant*

The RWES Research Grant provides up to $500 to support scholarly work (monograph, book chapter, or article) on Emerson. Preference will be given to junior scholars and graduate students. Please submit a confidential letter of recommendation from an academic mentor or colleague, and a 1-2-page project proposal, which must include a detailed description of expenses, by February 15, 2022.


*Pedagogy or Community Project Award*

The RWES Pedagogy or Community Project award provides up to $500 to support projects designed to bring Emerson to a non-academic audience. Submit a confidential letter of recommendation, and a 1-2-page project proposal, including a detailed description of expenses, by February 15, 2022.


*Subvention Award*

The Subvention Award provides up to $500 to support costs attending the publication of a scholarly book or article on Emerson. Submit a confidential letter of recommendation from an academic mentor or colleague, and a 1-2-page proposal, including an abstract of the forthcoming work and a detailed description of expenses, by February 15, 2022.


*Undergraduate Student Essay Prize*

RWES invites submissions for the second annual Emerson Society Undergraduate Student Essay Prize. Undergraduate students are welcome to submit 1,000-1,500- word academic essays on any topic relevant to the study of Ralph Waldo Emerson—his life, work, national and transnational reception, importance within and beyond U.S. literature and culture, and/or contemporary relevance. Winning essays will demonstrate originality, clarity, and rigorous engagement with Emerson. Selected essays may be returned to applicants with suggested revisions. The winning essay will be published in Emerson Society Papers and the writer awarded $100. There will also be a $50 award for a second prize essay.

* Submissions should be 1,000-1,500 words and follow the 8th edition of MLA style, using

endnotes rather than footnotes.

* Submissions should include a cover letter containing the applicant’s name, essay title,

academic status and affiliation, e-mail address, and postal address.

Please send all proposals to the RWES Awards Committee: Kristina West ([email protected]) and Austin Bailey ([email protected]). Award recipients must become members of the Society.