Annual Bibliography 2008

Alfonso, Ricardo Miguel. “The Influence Of Anxiety, Or The Postmodernity Of Emerson”. New Literatures Of Old: Dialogues Of Tradition And Innovation In Anglophone Literature. Dídac Llorens-Cubedo & Prado-Pérez, Jose´Ramón. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. 46-61. Print. New Literatures Of Old: Dialogues Of Tradition And Innovation In Anglophone Literature.
Allen, Thomas M. A Republic In Time: Temporality And Social Imagination In Nineteenth-Century America. Univ of North Carolina Press, 2008. Print.
Anderson, Douglas R. “Emerson’S Natures: Origins Of And Possibilities For American Environmental Thought”. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century. Arthur S Lothstein & Brodrick, Michael. SUNY Press, 2008. 151-60. Print. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century.
Buell, Lawrence. “Individualism, Natural Law, Human Rights”. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century. Arthur S Lothstein & Brodrick, Michael. SUNY Press, 2008. 179-94. Print. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century.
Castiglia, Christopher. Interior States: Institutional Consciousness And The Inner Life Of Democracy In The Antebellum United States. Duke University Press, 2008. Print.
Constantinesco, Thomas. “Discordant Correspondence In Ralph Waldo Emerson’S ‘Friendship’”. NEQ 81 (2008): 218-51. Print. Neq .
Davis, Clark. “‘Not Like Any Form Of Activity’: Waiting In Emerson, Melville, And Weil”. Common Knowledge 15 (2008): 39-58. Print. Common Knowledge .
Delano, Sterling, and Joel Myerson. “‘the General Scapegoat’: Thoreau And Concord In 1844”. TSB 264 (2008): 1-2. Print. Tsb .
Deneen, Patrick J. “Transcenden­Talism, Ancient And Modern: Brownson Versus Emerson”. Perspectives on Political Science 37 (2008): 8-16. Print. Perspectives On Political Science .
Dumm, Thomas. Loneliness As A Way Of Life. Harvard University Press, 2008. Print.
Goldberg, Shari. “From Quietism To Quiet Politics: Inheriting Emerson’S Antislavery Testimony”. Paragraph 31 (2008): 281-303. Print. Paragraph .
Gougeon, Len. “Emerson And The Reinvention Of American Democracy”. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century. Arthur S Lothstein & Brodrick, Michael. SUNY Press, 2008. 162-78. Print. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century.
Griffin, Martin. “Emerson’S Crossing: English Traits And The Politics Of ‘Politics’”. MIH 5 (2008): 251-78. Print. Mih .
Hall, Dewey W. “Wordsworth And Emerson: Aurora Borealis And The Question Of Influence”. Rom. and Vict. on the Net. 50 (2008): n. pag. Print. Rom. And Vict. On The Net. .
Hansen, Andrew C. “Reading Sonic Culture In Emerson’s ‘self-Reliance’”. RPA 11 (2008): 417-38. Print. Rpa .
Hardack, Richard. “‘A Woman Need Not Be Sincere’: Annie Dillard’S Fictional Autobiographies And The Gender Politics Of American Transcendentalism”. ArizQ 64 (2008): 75-108. Print. Arizq .
Larson, Kerry. Imagining Equality In Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Print.
Leng, Wang. “An Approach To Emerson’S Writing Style From A Daoist Perspective”. Dao 7 (2008): 295-306. Print. Dao .
Ljungquist, Kent P. “The Oreades Hear Emerson In Worcester”. NEQ 81 (2008): 503-05. Print. Neq .
Lothstein, Arthur S, and Michael Brodrick. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century. SUNY Press, 2008. Print.
Lothstein, Arthur S, and Michael Brodrick. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century. SUNY Press, 2008. Print.
Lysaker, John. Emerson And Self-Culture. Indiana University Press, 2008. Print.
Marr, David. “Face To Face With Emerson”. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century. Arthur S Lothstein & Brodrick, Michael. SUNY Press, 2008. 141-50. Print. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century.
Marx, Leo. “The Idea Of Nature In America”. Daedalus 137.ii (2008): 8-21. Print. Daedalus .
McDermott, John J. “Spires Of Influence: The Importance Of Emerson For Classical American Philosophy”. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century. Arthur S Lothstein & Brodrick, Michael. SUNY Press, 2008. 50-66. Print. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century.
Meehan, Sean Ross. Mediating American Autobiography: Photography In Emerson, Thoreau, Douglass, And Whitman. University of Missouri Press, 2008. Print.
Mehne, Phillip. “Reading Nature: Emerson, Cuvier, Lyell, Goethe And The Intricacies Of A Much-Quoted Trope”. CompAmSt 6 (2008): 103-22. Print. Compamst .
Meyer, Steven. “Systematizing Emerson, Supplementing Whitehead: Reading Whitehead With Stengers”. Process Studies 37 (2008): 98-126. Print. Process Studies .
Michael, John. “Liberal Justice And Particular Identity: Cavell, Emerson, Rawls”. ArizQ 64 (2008): 27-47. Print. Arizq .
Mott, Wesley T. “‘October Satisfaction’: Methodist Gilbert Haven Reviews Society And Solitude”. ESP 19.i (2008): 6-7. Print. Esp .
Murray, Meg McGavran. Margaret Fuller: Wandering Pilgrim. University of Georgia Press, 2008. Print.
Myerson, Joel. Fuller In Her Own Time. University of Iowa Press, 2008. Print.
Oliver, Mary. “Emerson: An Introduction”. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century. Arthur S Lothstein & Brodrick, Michael. SUNY Press, 2008. 3-8. Print. New Morning: Emerson In The Twenty-First Century.
Oshatz, Molly. “The Problem Of Moral Progress: The Slavery Debates And The Development Of Liberal Protestantism In The United States”. MIH 5 (2008): 225-50. Print. Mih .
Outka, Paul. Race And Nature From Transcendentalism To The Harlem Renaissance. Palgrave , 2008. Print.
O’Neill, Bonnie Carr. “‘The Best Of Me Is There’: Emerson As Lecturer And Celebrity”. AL 80 (2008): 739-67. Print. Al .
Paolucci, Stefano. “Emerson Writes To Clough: A Lost Letter Found In Italy”. ESP 19.i (2008): 4-5. Print. Esp .
Richardson, Robert D. First We Read, Then We Write: Emerson On The Creative Process. University of Iowa Press, 2008. Print.
Richardson, Robert D. First We Read, Then We Write: Emerson On The Creative Proces. University of Iowa Press, 2008. Print.
Robinson, David M. “Poetry, Poetic Perception, And Emerson’S Spiritual Affirmations”. Shaping Belief: Culture, Politics And Religion In Nineteenth-Century Writing. Victoria Morgan & Williams, Clare. Liverpool , 2008. 95-112. Print. Shaping Belief: Culture, Politics And Religion In Nineteenth-Century Writing.
Rossi, William. “Performing Loss, Elegy, And Transcendental Friendship”. NEQ 81 (2008): 252-77. Print. Neq .
Saito, Naiko. “Pragmatism, Tragedy, And Hope: Deweyan Growth And Emersonian Perfectionist Education”. Pragmatism, Education, And Children: International Philosophical Perspectives. Michael Taylor, Schreier, Helmut, & Paulo Ghiraldelli, Jr. Rodopi, 2008. 75-95. Print. Pragmatism, Education, And Children: International Philosophical Perspectives.
Schneider, Bethany. “Boudinot’s Change: Boudinot, Emerson, And Ross On Cherokee Removal”. ELH 75 (2008): 151-77. Print. Elh .
Turner, Jack. “Awakening To Race: Ralph Ellison And Democratic Individuality”. PT 36 (2008): 655-82. Print. Pt .
Turner, Jack. “Emerson, Slavery, And Citizenship”. Raritan 28 (2008): 127-46. Print. Raritan .
Van Anglen, KP. “Transcendentalism And Religion: The State Of Play”. LiteratureC 5/6 (2008): 1010-1024. Print. Literaturec .
Völz, Johannes. “Representation, Emerson, And The New Americanists”. ComAmSt 6 (2008): 37-54. Print. Comamst .
Walls, Laura Dassow. “Ralph Waldo Emerson And Coleridge’S American Legacy”. Coleridge’S Afterlives. James Vigus & Wright, Jane. Palgrave, 2008. 112-27. Print. Coleridge’S Afterlives.
York, Maurice, and Rick Spaulding. Natural History Of The Intellect: The First Publication Of Emerson’S Last Lectures. Wrightwood, 2008. Print.
York, Maurice, and Rick Spaulding. Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Infinitude Of The Private Man. Wrightwood, 2008. Print.