Annual Bibliography 2007

Albanese, Catherine. A Republic Of Mind And Spirit: A Cultural History Of American Metaphysical Religion. Yale University Press, 2007. Print.
Alcott, Bronson A. Notes Of Conversations, 1848-1875. Karen English. Fairleigh Dickinson, 2007. Print.
Atchley, Heath J. “The Silence Of The Secular”. L&T 21 (2007): 66-81. Print. L&t .
Bell, James. “Absolve You To Yourself: Emerson’s Conception Of Rational Agency”. Inquiry 50 (2007): 234-52. Print. Inquiry.
Brown, Dale Patrick. Brilliance And Balderdash: Early Lectures At Cincin­Nati’S Mercantile Library. Mercantile Library, 2007. Print.
Brøgger, Fredrik Chr. “Anthropo­Morphic Nature Lover: Annie Dillard And The Transcendentalist Tradition In American Nature Writing”. AmStScan 39 (2007): 29-40. Print. Amstscan 39.
Buckley, Michael G. “‘The Footsteps Of Creative Energy’: John Burroughs And Nineteenth-Century Literary Natural History”. ATQ 21 (2007): 261-72. Print. Atq .
Buell, Lawrence. “Religion And Environmental Imagination In American Literature”. There Before Us: Religion, Literature, And Culture From Emerson To Wendell Berry. Roger Lundin. Eerdmans, 2007. 216-38. Print. There Before Us: Religion, Literature, And Culture From Emerson To Wendell Berry.
Butler, Leslie. Critical Americans: Victorian Intellectuals And Transatlantic Reform. Univ of North Carolina Press, 2007. Print.
Cameron, Sharon. Impersonality: Seven Essays. Univerity of Chicago Press, 2007. Print.
Capper, Charles. Margaret Fuller: An American Romantic Life, The Public Years. Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.
Capper, Charles, and Cristina Giorcelli. Margaret Fuller: Transatlantic Crossings In A Revolutionary Age. University of Wisconsin Press, 2007. Print.
Cheever, Susan. American Bloomsbury. Simon & Schuster, 2007. Print.
Constantinesco, Thomas. “Portraits À La Lettre: La Correspondance D’Emerson Et De Carlyle”. RFEA 112 (2007): 16-31. Print. Rfea .
Davis, Theo. Formalism, Experience, And The Making Of American Literature In The Nineteenth Century. Cambridge University Press, 2007. Print.
Del Castillo, Ramón. “The Glass Prison: Emerson, James And The Religion Of The Individual”. Fringes Of Religious Experience: Cross-Perspectives On William James’s The Varieties Of Religious Experience. Sergio Franzese & Kraemer, Felicitas. Ontos, 2007. 93-122. Print. Fringes Of Religious Experience: Cross-Perspectives On William James’s The Varieties Of Religious Experience.
Delano, Sterling F, and Joel Myerson. “Letters From Brook Farm: A Comprehensive Checklist Of Surviving Correspondence”. RALS 31 (2007): 95-123. Print. Rals .
Deming, Richard. Listening On All Sides: Toward An Emersonian Ethics Of Reading. Stanford University Press, 2007. Print.
Friedl, Herwig. “Kunstvoll Einfache Denk-Bewegungen: Ein Amerikan­Istischer Prolog Zu Einem Dialog Zwischen Europa Und Amerika”. Dialoge Zwischen Amerika Und Europa: Transatlantische Perspektiven In Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst Und Musik. Astrid Böger, Schiller, Georg, & Schröder, Nicole. A. Francke, 2007. 17-44. Print. Dialoge Zwischen Amerika Und Europa: Transatlantische Perspektiven In Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst Und Musik.
Friedman, Randy L. “Traditions Of Pragmatism And The Myth Of The Emersonian Democrat”. TCSPS 43 (2007): 154-84. Print. Tcsps .
Fuller, Randall. Emerson’S Ghosts: Literature, Politics, And The Making Of Americanists. Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.
Fuller, Randall. “Aesthetics, Politics, Homosexuality: F. O. Matthiessen And The Tragedy Of The American Scholar”. AL 79 (2007): 363-91. Print. Al .
Fulton, Joe B. “Reason For A Renaissance: The Rhetoric Of Reformation And Rebirth In The Age Of Transcendentalism”. NEQ 80 (2007): 383-407. Print. Neq .
Giles, Paul. “Medieval American Literature: Emerson, Longfellow And The Longue Durée”. REALB 23 (2007): 113-32. Print. Realb .
Giles, Paul, Wai Chee Dimock, and Lawrence Buell. “The Deterritorialization Of American Literature”. Shades Of The Planet: American Literature As World Literature. Princeton Univerisity Press, 2007. 39-61. Print. Shades Of The Planet: American Literature As World Literature.
Goto, Shoji. The Philosophy Of Emerson And Thoreau: Orientals Meet Occidentals. Mellen, 2007. Print.
Gougeon, Len. Emerson And Eros: The Making Of A Cultural Hero. SUNY Press, 2007. Print.
Greenham, David. “The Skeptical Deduction: Reading Kant And Cavell In Emerson’S ‘Self-Reliance’”. ESQ 53 (2007): 253-81. Print. Esq .
Gura, Philip F. American Transcendentalism: A History. Hill and Wang, 2007. Print.
Gura, Philip F. “The Transcendentalist Commotion”. NER 28 (2007): 50-79. Print. Ner .
Gurley, Jennifer. “Emerson’S Politics Of Uncertainty”. ESQ 53 (2007): 323-59. Print. Esq .
Hanlon, Christopher. “‘the Old Race Are All Gone’: Transatlantic Bloodlines And English Traits”. AmLH 19 (2007): 800-23. Print. Amlh .
Howe, Daniel Walker. What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation Of America, 1815-1848. Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.
Hurth, Elisabeth. Between Faith And Unbelief: American Transcendental­Ists And The Challenge Of Atheism. Brill, 2007. Print.
Hurth, Elizabeth. Between Faith And Unbelief: American Transcedentalists And The Challenge Of Atheism. brill, 2007. Print.
Lekan, Todd. “Appreciating The Impersonal In Emerson (That’s What Friends Are For)”. JSpecPhil 21 (2007): 91-105. Print. Jspecphil .
Leypoldt, Günter. “Aesthetic Specialists And Public Intellectuals: Ruskin, Emerson, And Contemporary Professionalism”. MLQ 68 (2007): 417-36. Print. Mlq .
Matteson, John. Eden’S Outcasts: The Story Of Louisa May Alcott And Her Father. W. W. Norton & Company, 2007. Print.
Milder, Robert. “From Emerson To Edwards”. NEQ 80 (2007): 96-133. Print. Neq .
Mott, Wesley T. “Lucy Stone Reviews Emerson”. ESP 18.i (2007): 4-5. Print. Esp .
Packer, Barbara L. The Transcen­Dentalists. University of Georgia Press, 2007. Print.
Packer, Barbara. “Signing Off: Religious Indifference In America”. There Before Us: Religion, Literature, And Culture From Emerson To Wendell Berry. Roger Lundin. Eerdmans, 2007. 1-22. Print. There Before Us: Religion, Literature, And Culture From Emerson To Wendell Berry.
Payne, Daniel G. “Emerson’S Natural Theology: John Burroughs And The ‘Church’ Of Latter Day Transcendentalism”. ATQ 21 (2007): 191-205. Print. Atq .
Pearce, Lucy. “Re-Visioning History: Countering Emerson’S Alleged Ahistoricity”. EJAC 26 (2007): 41-56. Print. Ejac .
Pease, Donald E. “‘experience,’ Antislavery, And The Crisis Of Emersonianism”. boundary 2 34 (2007): 71-103. Print. Boundary 2 .
Poirier, Richard. “An Approach To Unapproachable America”. Raritan 26 (2007): 1-13. Print. Raritan .
Posnock, Ross. “Planetary Circles: Philip Roth, Emerson, Kundera”. Shades Of The Planet: American Literature As World Literature. Wai Chee Dimock & Buell, Lawrence. Princeton Univerisity Press, 2007. 141-67. Print. Shades Of The Planet: American Literature As World Literature.
Profozich, Richard P. “Self-Reliance: American Exceptionalist Foreign Policy And The Writing Of Ralph Waldo Emerson”. Walking On A Trail Of Words: Essays In Honor Of Agnieszka Salska. Jadwiga Maszewska & Maszewski, Zbigniew. Łodź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łodzkiego, 2007. 39-52. Print. Walking On A Trail Of Words: Essays In Honor Of Agnieszka Salska.
Reynolds, Larry J. “Righteous Violence: The Roman Republic And Margaret Fuller’S Revolutionary Example”. Capper and Giorcelli (2007): 172-92. Print. Capper And Giorcelli.
Richardson, Todd H. “Emerson Iconography And The Free Religious Index”. RALS 31 (2007): 11-29. Print. Rals .
Richardson, Joan. A Natural History Of Pragmatism: The Fact Of Feeling From Jonathan Edwards To Gertrude Stein. Cambridge University Press, 2007. Print.
Robinson, David M. “Christopher Pearse Cranch And The New England Transcenden­Talists”. Nancy Stula, At Home And Abroad: The Transcendental Landscapes Of Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892). Lyman Allyn Art Museum and University Press of New England, 2007. 57-73. Print. Nancy Stula, At Home And Abroad: The Transcendental Landscapes Of Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892).
Sakuma, Mikayo. “Emerson’s Proto-Evolutionary Idea: Its Formation And Transatlantic Contexts”. SELit 48 (2007): 21-39. Print. Selit .
Scalia, Bill R. “Sampson Reed: A Swedenborgian At Harvard And Early Emerson Colleague”. ESP 18 .i (2007): 11-12. Print. Esp .
Schoolman, Martha. “Emerson’s Doctrine Of Hatred”. ArQ 63 (2007): 1-26. Print. Arq .
Schöpp, Joseph C. “‘We Come Out To Europe To Learn What Man Can -:’ Emerson’S Grand Tour Of 1833”. Walking On A Trail Of Words: Essays In Honor Of Agnieszka Salska. Jadwiga Maszewska & Maszewski, Zbigniew. Łodź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łodzkiego, 2007. 11-25. Print. Walking On A Trail Of Words: Essays In Honor Of Agnieszka Salska.
Schöpp, Joseph C. “‘The Powers And Duties Of The Scholar Or Writer’: Emersons Selbstenwurf Im Lichte Goethes”. Dialoge Zwischen Amerika Und Europa: Transatlantische Perspektiven In Phil­Oso­Phie, Literatur, Kunst Und Musik. Astrid Böger, Schiller, Georg, & Schröder, Nicole. A. Francke, 2007. 91-106. Print. Dialoge Zwischen Amerika Und Europa: Transatlantische Perspektiven In Phil­Oso­Phie, Literatur, Kunst Und Musik.
Schulz, Dieter. “Wurzeln Der Amerikanischen Moderne: William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound Et Al. Vor Dem Hintergrund Des Transzenden­Talismus”. Carsten Dutt & Luckscheiter, Roman. Figurationen der literarischen Moderne Winter (2007): 373-93. Print. Figurationen Der Literarischen Moderne.
Schulz, Dieter. “Wandern Und Methode: Thoreaus ‘walking’ Im Lichte Emersons Und Gadamers”. Dialoge Zwischen Amerika Und Europa: Transatlantische Perspektiven In Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst Und Musik. Astrid Böger, Schiller, Georg, & Schröder, Nicole. A. Francke, 2007. 107-29. Print. Dialoge Zwischen Amerika Und Europa: Transatlantische Perspektiven In Philosophie, Literatur, Kunst Und Musik.
Shaw, Jonathan Imber. “‘a Strong Present Tense’: Emerson And The Times Of London”. ATQ 21 (2007): 95-110. Print. Atq .
Stula, Nancy. At Home And Abroad: The Transcendental Landscapes Of Christopher Pearse Cranch (1813-1892). Lyman Allyn Art Museum and University Press of New England, 2007. Print.
Thomä, Dieter. “Jeder Ist Sich Selbst Der Fernste: Zum Zusammenhang Zwischen Personaler Identität Und Moral Bei Nietzsche Und Emerson”. NietzscheS 36 (2007): 316-43. Print. Nietzsches .
Vaughan, Gerald F. “Ralph Waldo Emerson’S Mentor At Harvard”. Hist Jour Mass 35 (2007): 789-96. Print. Hist Jour Mass .
Wilczyński, Marek. “Ars Oblivionis. The American Dream To Forget”. Walking On A Trail Of Words: Essays In Honor Of Agnieszka Salska. Jadwiga Maszewska & Maszewski, Zbigniew. Łodź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łodzkiego, 2007. 27-28. Print. Walking On A Trail Of Words: Essays In Honor Of Agnieszka Salska.
Wilson, Leslie Perrin. In History’s Embrace: Past And Present In Concord, Massachusetts. Hollins , 2007. Print.
Windolf, Christopher J. Emerson’s Nonlinear Nature. University of Missouri Press, 2007. Print.