Annual Bibliography 1994

Bean, Judith Mattson. “Texts From Conversation: Margaret Fuller’S Influence On Emerson”. SAR (1994): 227-44. Print.

Berkson, Dorothy. “Born And Bred In Diferent Nations’: Margaret Fuller And Ralph Waldo Emnerson”. Patrons And Protégées: Gender, Friendship, And Writing In Nineteenth-Century America. Shirley Marchalonis. Rutgers University Press, 1994. 3-30. Print.

Bickman, Martin. “From Emerson To Dewey: The Fate Of Freedom In American Education”. AmLH 6 (1994): 385-408. Print.

Bloom, Harold, and Paul Kane. Collected Poems And Translations. Library of America, 1994. Print.

Bosco, Ronald. “What Poems Are Many Private Lives’: Emerson Writing The American Plutarch”. SLitI 27 (1994): 103-29. Print.

Brantley, Richard E. Anglo-American Antiphony: The Late Romanticism Of Tennyson And Emerson. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1994. Print.

Brown, Lee Rust. “Emerson, Paris, And The Opening Of The Scientific Eye”. Prospects 19 (1994): 315-47. Print.

Burbick, Joan. Healing The Republic: The Language Of Health And The Culture Of Nationalism In Nineteenth-Century America. Cambridge University Press, 1994. Print.

Burkholder, Robert E, and Joel Myerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson: An Annotated Bibliography Of Criticism, 1980-1991. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1994. Print.

Cadava, Eduardo.Emerson And The Climates Of Political History”. Boundary 2 21 (1994): 179-219. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “Emerson In An Evolving Encyclopedia On Transcendentalism (1856-1880)”. ARLR 8 (1994): 10-21. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “Emerson, Thoreau, Concord Women And The Cherokees”. ARLR 8 (1994): 89-94. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. Emerson At The Divinity School: His Address Of 1838 And Its Significance. Transcendental Books, 1994. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “Emerson, Chandler Robbins And The Second Church”. ARLR 8 (1994): 4-10. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “Emerson, Slavery And Lipscomb’s ‘Southern Man’”. ARLR 8 (1994): 22-33. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “An English Critic On Emerson’s Poetry—Tyrer Contra Arnold”. ARLR 8 (1994): 75-82. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. Voices In Emerson’s Sermons, Identified With Supplementary Annotations And Commentary. Transcendental Books, 1994. Print.

Carlson, Larry A. “Bronson Alcott’s ‘Journal For 1838’ (Part Two)”. SAR (1994): 123-93. Print.

Cavell, Stanley. “What Is The Emersonian Event? A Comment On Kateb’s Emerson”. NLH 25 (1994): 951-58. Print.

Clark, William Bedford. “In The Shadow Of His Smile: Warren’s Quarrel With Emerson”. SR 102 (1994): 550-69. Print.

Cronon, William. “Inconstant Unity: The Passion Of Frank Lloyd Wright”. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. Terence Riley. 1994. Print.

Dauber, Kenneth. “On Not Being Able To Read Emerson, Or Representative Man”. Boundary 2 21 (1994): 220-42. Print.

Deese, Helen. “Transcendental Gen(D)Erations: Caroline Healy Dall And Ralph Waldo Emerson”. Tennessee Philological Bulletin 31 (1994): 6-21. Print.

Dimock, Wai-chee. “Scarcity, Subjectivity, And Emerson”. Revisionary Interventions Into The Americanist Canon. Donald E Pease. Duke, 1994. 82-99. Print.

Gilbert, Armida. “Emerson’s Influence On European Philosophy”. NCP 21 (1994): 33-46. Print.

Goldman, Anita Haya. “Negotiating Claims Of Race And Rights: Du Bois, Emerson, And The Critique Of Liberal Nationalism”. MassR 35 (1994): 169-201. Print.

Gougeon, Len. “Holmes’s Emerson And The Conservative Critique Of Realism”. SoAR 59 (1994): 107-25. Print.

Grey, Robin Sandra. “A Seraph’s Eloquence’: Emerson’s Inspired Language And Milton’s Apocalyptic Prose”. MP 92 (1994): 36-63. Print.

Gross, Robert A. “Young Men And Women Of Fairest Promise: Transcendentalism In Concord”. CS 2 (1994): 5-18. Print.

Habegger, Alfred. The Father: A Life Of Henry James, Sr. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1994. Print.

Hallengren, Anders. The Code Of Concord: Emerson’s Search For Universal Laws. Almqvist and Wiskell, 1994. Print.

Helmling, Steven. “Emersonian Eliot”. SR 102 (1994): 46-69. Print.

Hudspeth, Robert N. The Letters Of Margaret Fuller. Vol. 6. Cornell University Press, 1994. Print.

James, William. The Correspondence Of William James. Ignas Skrupskellis & Berkeley, Elizabeth N. Vol. 3. University Press of Virginia, 1994. Print.

Johnson, Glen M. The Topical Notebooks Of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Vol. 3. University of Missouri Press, 1994. Print.

Karcher, Carolyn. The First Woman In The Republic: A Cultural Biography Of Lydia Maria Child. Duke University Press, 1994. Print.

Litton, Alfred G. “Emerson And The Examiner Club: An Unpublished Conversation”. NEQ 67 (1994): 476-486. Print.

Livingston, James. Pragmatism And The Political Economy Of Cultural Revolution, 1850-1940. University of North Carolina Press, 1994. Print.

Ljungquist, Kent P. “Warrington’ Reviews Emerson: Some Uncollected Reviews And Notices”. ESP 5.ii (1994): 1-3. Print.

Madden, Edward H, and Marion C Madden. “Buffs And Rebuffs: Emerson, Parker And Thoreau”. Trans. C. S. Peirce Society 30 (1994): 1-32. Print.

Makarushka, Irena SM. Religious Imagination And Language In Emerson And Nietzsche. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1994. Print.

McClay, Wilfred M. The Masterless: Self And Society In Modern America. University of North Carolina Press, 1994. Print.

McKee, Kathryn B. “A Fearful Price I Have Paid For Loving Him’: Ellery Channing’s Troubled Friendship With Ralph Waldo Emerson”. SAR (1994): 251-69. Print.

von Mehren, Joan. “Margaret Fuller: Woman Of Letters”. Margaret Fuller: Visionary Of The New Age. Marie Mitchell Olesen Urbanski. Northern Lights, 1994. 18-51. Print.

von Mehren, Joan. Minerva And The Muse: A Life Of Margaret Fuller. Massachusetts, 1994. Print.

Mulhall, Stephen. Stanley Cavell: Philosophy’s Recounting Of The Ordinary. Clarendon Press, 1994. Print.

Nadenicek, Daniel J. “Sleepy Hollow Cemetery: Philosophy Made Substance”. ESP 5.i (1994): 1-2, 8. Print.

Nicoloff, Philip, Robert E Burkholder, and Douglas Emory Wilson. English Traits. Vol. 5. Harvard University Press, 1994. Print. The Collected Works Of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

O’Keefe, Richard R. “Demonology’: Emerson On Dreams”. ATQ 8 (1994): 5-16. Print.

Packer, Barbara. “The Transcendentalists”. The Cambridge History Of American Literature. Sacvan Bercovitch. Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press, 1994. 329-604. Print.

Patell, Cyrus RK. “Emersonian Strategies: Negative Liberty, Self-Reliance, And Democratic Individuality.NCL 48 (1994): 440-79. Print.

Rao, Vimala C. “Another Source For Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ‘Brahma”. Indian Journal of American Studies 24 (1994): 105-109. Print.

Roberson, Susan. “‘degenerate Effeminacy’ And The Making Of A Masculine Spirituality In The Sermons Of Ralph Waldo Emerson”. Muscular Christianity: Embodying The Victorian Age. Donald E Hall. Cambridge, 1994. 150-172. Print.

Robinson, David M. “Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, And Transcendentalism”. ALS (1994): 3-23. Print.

Robinson, David. “Unitarian History And The Unitarian-Universalist Identity: The Work Of Conrad Wright”. PUUHS 12.2 (1994): 1-11. Print.

Ryan, Barbara. “Emerson’s ‘Domestic And Social Experiments’: Service, Slavery, And The Unhired Man”. AL 66 (1994): 485-508. Print.

Schulman, Frank J. “An English Review Of Nature”. ESP 5.i (1994): 3. Print.

Sedgwick, Ellery. A History Of The Atlantic Monthly 1857-1909. Massachusetts, 1994. Print.

Selinger, Eric Murphy. “‘Too Pathetic, Too Pitiable’: Emerson’s Lessons In Love’s Philosophy”. ESQ 40 (1994): 139-82. Print.

Shumway, David R. Creating American Civilization: A Genealogy Of American Literature As An Academic Discipline. University of Minnesota Press, 1994. Print.

Smith, Stephanie A. Conceived By Liberty: Maternal Figures And Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Cornell University Press, 1994. Print.

Stowe, William W. Going Abroad: European Travel In Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Princeton University Press, 1994. Print.

Tilton, Eleanor M. The Letters Of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Vol. 9. Columbia University Press , 1994. Print.

Tolchin, Neal. “Ralph Waldo Emerson”. The Johns Hopkins Guide To Literary Theory & Criticism. Michael Grodin & Kreiswirth, Martin. Johns Hopkins, 1994. 224-226. Print. The Johns Hopkins Guide To Literary Theory & Criticism.

Urbanski, Marie Mitchell Olesen. “The Ambivalence Of Ralph Waldo Emerson Towards Margaret Fuller”. Margaret Fuller: Visionary Of The New Age. Urbanski. Northern Lights, 1994. 105-121. Print.

Von Frank, Albert J. An Emerson Chronology. New York: G. K. Hall, 1994. Print.

Von Frank, Albert J. An Emerson Chronology. G. K. Hall, 1994. Print.

Wolfe, Cary. “Alone With America: Cavell, Emerson, And The Politics Of Individualism”. NLH 25 (1994): 137-57. Print.

Wright, Conrad. The Unitarian Controversy: Essays On American Unitarian History. Skinner House, 1994. Print.