Annual Bibliography 1992

Addison, Elizabeth. “Compensation And The Price Of Purity: An Old Quaker Impresses The Young Emerson”. SAR 1992 (1992): 107-120. Print.

Al-Dámi, Muhammed. “Arabian Perfumes For An American Muse: A Critique Of Emerson’s Use Of Arab-Islamic Historical Materials”. Indian Journal of American Studies 22 (1992): 9-15. Print.

Borst, Raymond R. The Thoreau Log: A Documentary Life Of Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862. G. K. Hall, 1992. Print.

Bosco, Ronald A. “[M]Ercy To Pardon & Grace To Help: Ezra Ripley’s Ordination Diary, 1778-1836”. SPAS 2 (1992): 153-92. Print.

Boudreau, Kristin. “The Woman’s Flesh Of Me: Rebecca Harding Davis’s Response To Self-Reliance”. ATQ 6 (1992): 131-40. Print.

Bremen, Brian A. “Dubois, Emerson, And The ‘fate’ Of Black Folk.”. ALR 24 (1992): 80-88. Print.

Brown, Lee Rust. “The Emerson Museum”. Representations 40 (1992): 57-80. Print.

Bryant, William Cullen. The Letters Of William Cullen Bryant, Vol. 5, 1865-1871. William Cullen Bryant II & Voss, Thomas G. Fordham, 1992. Print.

Bryant, William Cullen. The Letters Of William Cullen Bryant, Vol. 6, 1872-1878. William Cullen Bryant II & Voss, Thomas G. Fordham Univeristy Press , 1992. Print.

Buell, Lawrence. “On R. W. Emerson’s 2 March 1835 Letter To Lydia Jackson”. The Marks In The Fields: Essays On The Uses Of Manuscripts. Rodney G Dennis. Houghton Library, 1992. 159-61. Print.

Burkholder, Robert E. “History’s Mad Pranks: Some Recent Emerson Studies”. ESQ 38 (1992): 231-63. Print.

Callan, Ron. William Carlos Williams And Transcendentalism. St. Martin’s Press, 1992. Print.

Callow, Philip. From Noon To Starry Night: A Life Of Walt Whitman. Ivan R Dee, 1992. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “Emerson’s Sermons—Their Great Significance For Researchers”. ARLR 6 (1992): 67-83. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. Firstlings Of Emerson The Writer. Transcendental Books, 1992. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “Books Available To Emerson And His Brothers In Their Father’s Library (1811-1822)”. ARLR 6 (1992): 51-57. Print.

Cameron, Kenneth Walter. “Emerson’s Chivalric Period At The Latin School And Harvard”. ARLR 6 (1992): 183-96. Print.

Capper, Charles. Margaret Fuller: An American Romantic Life, The Private Years. Oxford University Press, 1992. Print.

Carter, Everett. “The Emersonian Proust”. CLS 21 (1992): 39-53. Print.

Clifford, Deborah Pickman. Crusader For Freedom: A Life Of Lydia Maria Child. Beacon, 1992. Print.

Coltharp, Duane. “Landscapes Of Commodity: Nature As Economy In Emerson’s Poems”. ESQ 38 (1992): 265-91. Print.

Dedmond, Francis B. “The Selected Letters Of William Ellery Channing The Younger (Part Four)”. SAR (1992): 1-74. Print.

Dent, JM. Essays And Poems. Charles E. Tuttle, 1992. Print.

Elbert, Monika. “From Merlin To Faust: Emerson’s Democratization Of The Heroic Mind”. Merlin Versus Faust: Contending Archetypes In Western Culture. Charlotte Spivack. Edwin Mellen, 1992. 113-35. Print.

Elliott, Angela. Ezra Pound And America. St. Martin’s, 1992. Print.

Ellison, Julie. “The Gender Of Transparency: Masculinity And The Conduct Of Life”. AmLH 4 (1992): 584-606. Print.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The Complete Sermons Of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Albert J. von Frank. 4 Vol. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1992. Print.

Fink, Steven. Prophet In The Marketplace: Thoreau’s Development As A Professional Writer. Princeton University Press, 1992. Print.

Gougeon, Len. “Emerson And Brook Farm”. ESP 3.i (1992): 1-2. Print.

Gustafson, Thomas. Representative Words: Politics, Literature, And The American Language, 1776-1865. Cambridge University Press, 1992. Print.

Habich, Robert D. “Emerson’s Reluctant Foe: Andrews Norton And The Transcendental Controversy”. NEQ 65 (1992): 208-37. Print.

Helm, Bert. “Emerson Agonistes: Education As Struggle And Process”. Educational Theory 42 (1992): 165-80. Print.

Hurth, Elisabeth. “The ‘Uses’ Of The ‘Literary’ Jesus: Ernest Renan’s Life Of Jesus In New England”. ESQ 38 (1992): 315-37. Print.

Hurth, Elizabeth. “Sowing The Seeds Of Subversion: Harvard’s Early Göttingen Students”. SAR (1992): 91-106. Print.

Irons, Susan H. “Channing’s Influence On Peabody: Self-Culture And The Danger Of Egoism”. SAR (1992): 121-35. Print.

Jacobson, David. Emerson’s Pragmatic Vision: The Dance Of The Eye. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1992. Print.

James, William. The Correspondence Of William James, Vol. 1, William And Henry 1861-1884. Ignas K Skrupskellis & Berkeley, Elizabeth M. Vol. 1. University Press of Virginia, 1992. Print.

Johnson, Linck C. “Reforming The Reformers: Emerson, Thoreau, And The Sunday Lectures At Amory Hall, Boston.”. ESQ 37 (1992): 235-89. Print.

Kateb, George. The Inner Ocean: Individualism And Democratic Culture. Cornell University Press, 1992. Print.

Kouidis, Virginia M. “Emersonian True Romance And The Woman Novelist”. NDQ 60.iv (1992): 84-104. Print.

Kramer, Michael P. Imagining Language In America: From The Revolution To The Civil War. Princeton University Press, 1992.

Lal, Malashri. “Emerson’s Indian Superstition And The Unitarian Church”. Indian Journal of American Studies 22 (1992): 1-8. Print.

Lee, Kun Jong. “Ellison’s Invisible Man: Emersonianism Revised”. PMLA 107 (1992): 331-44. Print.

Levin, Jonathan. “Life In The Transitions: Emerson, William James, Wallace Stevens”. ArQ 48 (1992): 75-97. Print.

Ljungquist, Kent P, and Wesley T Mott. “Emerson And The Worcester Lyceum, 1855-1857: Two New Letters”. NEQ 65 (1992): 290-95. Print.

Mott, Wesley T. The Complete Sermons Of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Vol. 4. Missouri, 1992. Print.

Mott, Wesley T. “Emerson And The New Bedford Affair In Boston Newspapers”. ESP 3.i (1992): 3-4. Print.

Myerson, Joel. “Emerson And The Hancock Sunday School”. ESP 3.ii (1992): 7. Print.

Myerson, Joel. Emerson And Thoreau: The Contemporary Reviews. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Print.

Newfield, Christopher. “Controlling The Voice: Emerson’s Early Theory Of Language”. ESQ 38 (1992): 1-29. Print.

O’Brien, David J. Isaac Hecker: An American Catholic. Paulist Press, 1992. Print.

O’Keefe, Richard R. “An Echo Of Emerson In Hawthorne’s ‘the Custom-House’?”. NHR 18.i (1992): 9-11. Print.

O’Keefe, Richard R. “Scanning ‘hamatreya’: Emerson As Miltonic Prosodist”. ESP 3.ii (1992): 1-2. Print.

Peden, Creighton W. The Philosopher Of Free Religion: Francis Ellingwood Abbot, 1836-1903. Peter Lang, 1992. Print.

Poirier, Richard. Poetry And Pragmatism. Harvard University Press, 1992. Print.

Pütz, Manfred. “Dissenting Voices Of Consent: Margaret Fuller And Ralph Waldo Emerson On The Fourth Of July”. The Fourth Of July: Political Oratory And Literary Reactions, 1776-1876. Paul Goetsch & Hurm, Gerd. Narr, 1992. 167-84. Print.

Reed, Sampson. Primary Source Materials For Emerson Studies. Dole George F. Swedenborg Foundation, 1992. Print.

Renehan, Edward J., Jr. John Burroughs: An American Naturalist. Chelsea Green Publishing, 1992. Print.

Robinson, David M. “The Road Not Taken: From Edwards, Through Chauncy, To Emerson”. ArQ 48 (1992): 45-61. Print.

Robinson, David. “Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, And Transcendentalism”. ALS (1992): 3-20. Print. Als.

Robinson, David M. “Fields Of Investigation: Emerson And Natural History”. American Literature And Science. Robert J Scholnick. University Press of Kentucky , 1992. 94-109. Print.

Sealts, Merton M. Emerson On The Scholar. Columbia : University of Missouri Press, 1992. Print.

Sealts, Merton M. “Emerson Then And Now”. Wisconsin Academy Review 38 (1992): 29-32. Print.

Smith, David L. “Representative Emersons: Versions Of American Identity”. Religion and American Culture 2 (1992): 159-80. Print.

Stack, George J. Nietzsche And Emerson: An Elective Affinity. Ohio University Press, 1992. Print.

Thoreau, Henry David. Journal, Volume 4: 1851-1852. Robert Sattelmeyer. Princeton University Press, 1992. Print.

Trauble, Horace. With Walt Whitman In Camden, Volume 7: July 7, 1890-February 10, 1891. Jeanne Chapman & MacIsaac, Robert. Vol. 7. Southern Illinois University Press, 1992. Print.

Tuerk, Richard. “Emerson’s ‘woodnotes’ Poems”. ATQ 6 (1992): 295-305. Print.

Wortham, Thomas. “Did Emerson Blackball Frederick Douglass From Membership In The Town And Country Club”. NEQ 65 (1992): 295-98. Print.

Zimmerman, Lee. “An Eye For An I: Emerson And Some ‘true’ Poems Of Robinson Jeffers, William Everson, Robert Penn Warren, And Adrienne Rich”. ConL 33 (1992): 645-64. Print.